mardi 28 février 2012

Release your product with cloudbees/git/github and maven (of course)

  • Intro

We needed to be able to release a version of our product in the following context:
-a release each sprint (2 weeks) if we did some modification into the product
-CI = Jenkins & Maven @ CloudBees + git @ GitHub

We wanted to release each sprint and because we are lazy developer, we would like to have an industrial process to do new release with a simple "clic button release" feature. We know that we are able to create a fresh new release "manually" using maven with somes edition and some command but you know: the less human do things manually, the less bug you have, the more you script, the more you can reproduce it easily and frequently. And having a industrial process doesn't force us to use it, if we need to use another workflow for a specific release, we can choose to do the release manually. But most of the time we should use the industrial process...

This may seems easy for you, but since I don't want to forget how I did it, I script it... ugh... I blog it.

Here is a set of article explaining how to use the maven release plugin and what is the process a release:

But in our context, here is what we should do :

  • Configure your pom

First you have to change your pom.xml since the release plugin has some requirement.

Add a scm config:
Be careful, your githubb scm url must be ssh:// and not ssh:// or you will face a limitation of the maven git scm plugin. Because when you use ":", the plugin think the word just after (eg: geek4ever)is the port to use to connect to the host.

Add a distribution management config:
Be careful, don't forget the "dav:" prefix in your url or you will face a problem when trying to deploy your artifact, because cloudbees repositories are available only with webdav.

Add an extension to your build to be able to deploy on a webdav repository:
You can try wagon-webdav if you face problem with wagon-webdav-jackrabbit

Of course you add the release plugin:
Add your repositories:
Now, your pom config is ready and you can release your project using the maven release plugin with these command:
mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true #until BUILD SUCCESSFULL
mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform

  • Configure Jenkins:

Next step is to configure jenkins to be able to release with a simple click button:

You need to install M2 Release Plugin on jenkins:

On Cloudbees to install a plugin, it is pretty easy with in the administration screen.

Then you need to setup a specific settings.xml for your jenkins because to be able to deploy on the repositories, maven need to know your credentials to access to the repositories:
cloudbees-private-repository and cloudbees-private-snapshot-repository are 2 repositories that jenkins use to deploy your release/snapshot artifacts.
geek4ever-cloudbees-snapshot and geek4ever-cloudbees-release are 2 repositories we used in our pom.xml to deploy your release/snapshot artifacts.
You should add this settings.xml in your private cloudbees repository:

To connect to this repository you can use a cloudbees account (login/pass = jenkins/pass;-)word in our exemple)
  • Configure your jenkins build
In the configuration of your build:

-In Build section, click on Advanced button to check "Fichier settings alternatif" and set this value: /private/geek4ever/settings.xml where geek4ever is your account
(WARNING: You will have an error message "Alternate settings file must be a relative path." but do not care of this message)

-Check "Maven release build"

-Use "clean deploy" as goal to launch

-Use maven 3.0.4 (3.0.3 was buggy with webdav deploy)

  • Perform a release
Click on "Perform Maven Release", configure your version, look at the logs to wait the end of the build, then enjoy ^^

lundi 27 février 2012

Update maven to 3.0.4 on mac using brew


Just to share a how to on updating maven to 3.0.4 on mac using brew.

I use brew to install some tools so I would like to use brew to update maven too. (I don't want to download maven manually, then unpack, change permission of the files etc...)

So to update maven from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4 on a Mac Snow Leopard you can use these command:

brew install maven
sudo unlink /usr/share/maven
cd /usr/share/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.0.4 maven

enjoy ^^ you can now download the Internet with a simple mvn install but without a strange bug when deploying your artifact on a repo using webdav (in maven 3.0.3)